What is the behavioral phenotype for children with Down syndrome?

  1. Complete Assignment 2. Read Case Study: Cheerful Robin (pp.27-29) and respond to the following questions only:
    1. List the three DSM-5 domains of adaptive functioning. Then, describe Milena’s functioning on each of these three domains. (2 points)
    2. DSM-5 identifies four levels of severity for children with intellectual disability. Clinicians specify the severity of an intellectual disability based on what? Which level of severity best describes Milena’s functioning and why? (2 points)
    3. What is the behavioral phenotype for children with Down syndrome? How many aspects of this phenotype does Milena show? (2 points)
    4. Statistically speaking, what most likely caused Milena’s Down syndrome? (2 points)
    5. Milena’s school psychologist would likely use the results of her assessment to generate an IEP for Milena. What is an IEP (i.e., what does the acronym stand for) and what is its purpose or goal? (1 point)
    6. In what way(s) might having a child with a known genetic disorder, like Down syndrome, be easier than having a child with a developmental disability of unknown origin? (1 point)

This assignment must be typed and submitted electronically in MS Word (.docx) format. The file must be named in the following format: Lastname_Assignment2. Submit your completed document to Assignment 2, listed on the Modules and Assignments pages

assignment. 2 .

The goal of this assignment is to give you a valuable opportunity to practice and test your knowledge about the 10 characteristics of pseudoscience.