Choose one of the major data breaches listed. Read about the data breach. What lessons did you learn from the article?

Online and Interactive Exercises
1. Visit
a. Choose two companies where data breaches have occurred.
b. Explain the reasons for these breaches and discuss how they
could have been avoided.
2. Visit and take the
Identity Theft Quiz. What was your score? Explain ways in which you could
improve your score so that you are not as much at risk for identity theft.
3. Visit and
choose one of the major data breaches listed. Read about the data breach.
What lessons did you learn from the article?

4. Research vendors of biometrics. Select one vendor and discuss three
of its biometric devices or technologies. Prepare a list of major capabili
ties. What are the advantages and disadvantages of its biometrics?
5. Visit
a-secure-internet-gateway to watch the video “What is a Secure In
ternet Gateway?”, where Dan Hubbard, Cloud Security Product CTO at
Cisco explains how security needs to adapt to keep up with the evolv
ing workforce and how Cisco Umbrella can assist companies protect
their employees wherever they choose to work.
a. Describe two things that you learned from watching this video.
b. Do you think Cisco Umbrella would be an effective tool for
companies to use? Explain why or why not.