Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words provided in the box.

Choose the correct option for the following statements.
1. The _______ feature enables you to change a particular text or phrase with
other text or phrase in the document.
a. Swap
b. Replace
c. Find
d. Styles
2. If you want to give your document an impressive look, you can insert a
_______ at the beginning of the document.
a. Blank Page
b. Page Break
c. Page Color
d. Cover Page
3. A _______ will move the contents after the cursor to the next page.
a. Blank Page
b. Table
c. Page Break
d. Page Color
4. The _______command is used to insert a new page in your document.
a. Blank Page
b. Empty Page
c. New Page
d. Page Color

Session 9Activity 2
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words provided in the
Table Merge Cells Borders Shading Style
1. A ______ is a predefined set of formatting characteristics.
2. A ______ allows you to organize your data in the form of rows and columns.
3. The _____ command allows you to combine two or more cells into one cell in
a table.
4. The ______ command is used to add outlines to the selected table cells.