What does Ocean belive about Embodiment and the connection of Movement with writing and story telling?

Do the following for communications

Listen to: https://onbeing.org/programs/ocean-vuong-a-life-worthy-of-our-breath-2022/

Links to an external site.

It would be wonderful if you walked and listened to this conversation.

The Reflection:

What resonated with you in this conversation?

What does Ocean believe about Embodiment and the connection of Movement with writing and story telling?

What have you been told about your Voice?

How do you express yourself?

What can we learn from Ocean and how he views, writes and reflects on the world?

The Practice:

Go on a walk, and then write a story or poem that arises from your walk.

The Sharing in Story Circle:

Share your walking poem/ story.

Here is a guide for your story telling: https://themoth.org/share-your-story/storytelling-tips-tricks