Imagine you are a newly selected police chief for an agency that is facing several serious allegations of corruption and excessive force that led to the firing of the Chief.

Criminal Justice Question

Examine the “three forms” of external review (Auditors & Inspector Generals, Blue Ribbon Commissions, and Private Consulting Groups) discussed in Chapter 7.

Imagine you are a newly selected police chief for an agency that is facing several serious allegations of corruption and excessive force that led to the firing of the Chief. As a condition of hire, you have asked the City Manager for funding for an external review of the department and allegations.

Using the information from Chapter 7 of the text as well as independent review, which of the different three forms of external review from the chapter would you select and why? In your analysis, identify the strengths and weaknesses of each form of exernal review. Conclude your assignment with an argument that supports your decision.

Your essay should be free of grammatical and spelling errors, and resources must be cited properly using APA-style in-text citations. Additional formatting requirements are as follows:

  • Times New Roman 12 pt font
  • Double spaced with no extra spacing (between paragraphs, lines, pages, etc.)
  • 1 inch margins on all sides
  • Title Page
  • Reference Page, using APA Style, 6th edition
  • 3-5 pages, excluding Title and Reference pages
  • Walker, S., & Archbold, C. A. (2019). The new world of police accountability (3rd ed). Thousand
    Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.