Briefly describe the sampling procedure for soil that does not collapse upon removal of solid stem continuous flight augur.

Geotechnical Investigation Assignment Instructions

The following questions are to be answered after watching the video titled “An Introduction to Drilling and Sampling in Geotechnical Practice” ( it is on YouTube).

Each question has equal point values.

  1. Describe how the extent and type of exploration vary depending on specific projects such as county road projects, the foundation of high-rise buildings, projects on remote sites, projects near highly developed areas, structures founded on a homogeneous layer of clay, and structures founded on a soil consisting of pockets and lenses of clay, silt, and sand.
  2. Most subsurface investigations are performed using drill rigs. Drill rigs can be classified into four basic categories. Name and briefly say something about each.
  3. What legal requirements should be met before and after any drilling project is performed?
  4. The main purpose of all drilling methods is to obtain representative samples of subsurface strata at different depths. In this video, which four prominent drilling methods are listed?
  5. (a) Briefly describe the sampling procedure for soil that does not collapse upon removal of solid stem continuous flight augur.

(b) Which drilling method is best suited for soils that collapse upon removal of the drilling augur? Which drilling method uses a bentonite-water mixture and what are the two purposes of this mixture? What is the main advantage of using hollow stem augers over solid stem augers?

  1. Briefly, discuss the coring of rock or very hard soils and list the components of a conventional core-barrel.
  2. (a) Which sampler is the most commonly used in retrieving disturbed samples? For what purposes are disturbed samples used?

(b) List the components of the split spoon sampler? Give the outside diameter, inside diameter, and length of the most common type of split spoon.

(c) Define undisturbed samples and briefly describe the process of obtaining undisturbed samples.

(d) List some additional sources of sample disturbance other than the sampling process.

  1. (a) Briefly describe the standard penetration test (SPT). In your discussion include the essential features of SPT, what is measured using this test etc.

(b) What factors affect the amount of energy delivered during SPT test? How much energy should be delivered to the sampler per hammer blow?

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.