Based on the video listed below, in your own words define signposts and why they are useful? Provide two separate examples for an oral signpost and then a visual signpost

Reply to the prompt with an inline response that covers the following content:
1. Based on the video listed below, in your own words define signposts and why they are useful? Provide two separate examples for an oral signpost and
then a visual signpost.
2. List and briefly explain the 5 key points of this video:
The Purpose of Visual Aids and Effec!ve Design Tips
3. Describe in detail the content of each of the videos (3.1 & 3.2). Explain what each anima!on does and how you might use it to improve how you
integrate the content with your delivery for oral presenta!ons.
3.1- Animated figures for parts of a process or list
3.2- Animated tables
==>Peer Feedback
Each student must reply to two (2) classmates by the end of the day a$er the ini!al post is due. Make a separate reply post for each feedback being given
and start with the name of the student you are commen!ng upon. Your comments should discuss the way item 1 was answered and how well it
captured the concepts of signposts and lucidity. Provide details to correc!ons or examples to clarify what was posted