What is a bottleneck? What were a few bottlenecks identified in the book? Give an example of a bottleneck from your own life.

The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement Book Report

Question 1 (20 points)

List and explain four main takeaways from the book (one or two paragraphs for each takeaway suffices).

Question 2 (20 points)

Present two critiques you would make about the book (one or two paragraphs for each critique is enough).

Question 3 (35 points)

What is a bottleneck? What were a few bottlenecks identified in the book? Give an example of a bottleneck from your own life. The example can be from a process you manage in your personal life, past internship experience, co-op, club, athletic team, something you observed, etc. Why is this a bottleneck? How would you increase its capacity?

Question 4 (25 points)

Which of the main takeaways you pointed out in Question 1 is most helpful personally for you? Why? Give an example of how this takeaway will be helpful. Alternatively, if none of the takeaways are helpful, explain why this is the case.