Write out as much of the detail as you can remember about the critical incident. Include as many of the senses as you can remember including sights, smells, tastes, and textures (if applicable), emotions, conversations etc.

The purpose of this assignment is for you to write a case study from your own experience.This case study should be fairly meaty and relates a critical incident or series of critical incidents at work which was personally painful, meaningful, or resonated with you in some way. Be sure that this is an organization and/ or an incident that you are very familiar with as you will be asked to consider the organization and its players using different conceptual frames. For example, later on in the semester you will be asked to think about the organization structure (how work is organized, who reports to whom), the culture, power and politics, and Human Resource practices.

A) To begin, pick a “critical incident or process” that happened to you at work in which you were puzzled or confused or angry or shocked or hurt or extremely happy or proud etc. The key is to choose something that you remember vividly. Write out as much of the detail as you can remember about the critical incident. Include as many of the senses as you can remember including sights, smells, tastes, and textures (if applicable), emotions, conversations etc.

B) Next, think of the other key players. Step back and put yourself in their place. Try to describe the critical incident from their perspective. Write out how they might have experience it using vivid description.

C) Write the history that led to the event and the history after the event. Then, edit your history to eliminate all but the most important points. The important points should help the class understand “the critical incident” from yours and key players perspectives.

D) Decide if you need any exhibits to clarify the case. These might include simplified organizational charts, a copy of a letter or memo (you can disguise confidential information or names), and a diagram of the location. You decide what helps illustrate the case.

E) Write an epilogue telling us what actually happened after the critical incident.