Discuss how these two articles will be used to answer your PICOT question.

Racine, Emmy, et al. “‘I’ve always done what I was told by the medical people’: a qualitative study of the reasons why older adults attend multifactorial falls risk assessments mapped to the Theoretical Domains Framework.” BMJ open 10.2 (2020): e033069.

van Rhyn, Brianne, and Alex Barwick. “Health practitioners’ perceptions of falls and fall prevention in older people: a Metasynthesis.” Qualitative Health Research 29.1 (2019): 69-79.

PICOT Question: In older adults admitted in the long-term care (LTC) facilities (P) how does multifactorial fall prevention program (I) compared to standard care protocols (C) influence the rate of fall (O) over three months (T)?

Question Prompt: How Do These Two Articles Support the Nursing Practice Problem You Chose?

1. Discuss how these two articles will be used to answer your PICOT question.

2. Describe how the interventions and comparison groups in the articles compare to those identified in your PICOT question.