Differentiate between reliable and misleading information in the world of health.

Research Assignment

The goal of this assignment is to help you differentiate between reliable and misleading information in the world of health. It is important, as a student, to understand the validity and how to research information to increase reliable knowledge regarding a specific subject. Health is multidimensional filled with many thoughts and opinions allowing for variations of health-related subjects related to profound research.

This assignment will focus on a health-related topic found in this module using chapters 10, 11, 12 and 13. When you research, you want to find the best information to support your topic of choice. This requires careful evaluation of the information you find. When you research a topic, you should evaluate information based on relevancy, quality and reliability of research, expert views and research provided by those experts, and weed out unreliable, biased, outdated and/or incorrect information.

Remember, there is no organization or editorial process that oversees the Internet to ensure accuracy, objectivity, or currency so it is our job to do the work!