Define the following terms: data, database, DBMS, database system, data- base catalog, program-data independence, user view, DBA, end user, canned transaction, deductive database system, persistent object, meta-data, and transaction-processing application

Database system

1. Define the following terms: data, database, DBMS, database system, data-
base catalog, program-data independence, user view, DBA, end user, canned
transaction, deductive database system, persistent object, meta-data, and
transaction-processing application.
1.2. What four main types of actions involve databases? Briefly discuss each.
1.3. Discuss the main characteristics of the database approach and how it differs
from traditional file systems.
1.4. What are the responsibilities of the DBA and the database designers?
1.5. What are the different types of database end users? Discuss the main activi-
ties of each.
1.6. Discuss the capabilities that should be provided by a DBMS.
1.7. Discuss the differences between database systems and information retrieval

1.8 Identify some informal queries and update operations that you would expect
to apply to the database shown in Figure 1.2.
1.9. What is the difference between controlled and uncontrolled redundancy?
Illustrate with examples.
1.10. Specify all the relationships among the records of the database shown in
Figure 1.2.
1.11. Give some additional views that may be needed by other user groups for the
database shown in Figure 1.2.
1.12. Cite some examples of integrity constraints that you think can apply to the
database shown in Figure 1.2.
1.13. Give examples of systems in which it may make sense to use traditional file
processing instead of a database approach