Why is it significant that rock music seems to have gotten its start in the South? What were the contributions of southern rockabilly and rhythm and blues to rock music?

Length: 600- 750 words total (if you need a guide, roughly 3 pages)


This assignment requires you to do 2 things:

Discuss your understanding of race relations during the early days of Rock & Roll

Respond to at least 1 student in the class.


Reading – “Rock! It’s Still Rhythm & Blues”

Reading – “Race, Hegemony, and the Birth of Rock & Roll”

Reading- “The Elvic Oracle”

NOTE: There are images and songs which are examples of Glam Rock which are included in the Module in order to help you get a context of the Rock music genre. They are not required to be discussed for this assignment.



Based on the readings- so make sure you quote from each source in order to answer the following in this manner:

(3) Three things you learned from the articles/chapter (it is important to be specific here, and not use broad generalizations)

(2) Two points you found interesting or compelling, and why you were interested

To guide you, make sure your responses – five (5) in total, fully answer these questions: (based on CSUN Prof. Devine)

Why is it significant that rock music seems to have gotten its start in the South? What were the contributions of southern rockabilly and rhythm and blues to rock music?

Why did the “moral guardians” of the Southern way of life see the emergence of rock music and the desegregation of schools as interconnected threats to the South’s social order? What “threat” did these two social developments pose?

How did the broader context in the South during the 1950s shape white segregationists’ reaction to the rise of rock’n’roll? Why did many whites in the South object (sometimes even violently) to the new youth culture that seemed to emerge alongside rock’n’roll music?


Respond to at least 1 student in class. NOTE: Make sure your response adds to what they write with one of your own points from your response. (This should total about 150, and doesn’t count towards your response word count)