Why can he hope to be accepted? (Ex: He has a history of thwarting bad guys, for one; i.e. he has the experience.

Batman is tired of fighting crime all on his lonesome and wanted to join the Avengers, the MCU crime-fighting team. (Is this before the whole Infinity War catastrophe? What happened to the Justice League? Who knows, not me.)

In this extremely plausible scenario, he wanted to submit his resume, instead of jumping in while they were saving the planet and showing them directly what he can do. Even billionaires have heard “Don’t just show up,” apparently.

So, what would Batman’s resume look like?

Here are some areas to consider when building it:

1. What are his skills? (Ex: Fighting crime.)

2. His experience? (Ex: How many bad guys has he defeated?)

3. Other attributes? (Ex: Lots of gadgets.)

4. Why can he hope to be accepted? (Ex: He has a history of thwarting bad guys, for one; i.e. he has the experience.)

5. Why might he be refused? (Ex: They already have one super rich guy without super powers.)

(As you can no doubt tell, these are areas that you will explore in your own resume when you’re building it — if you haven’t already.)