What is a gadfly? What does it do? Why does Socrates compare himself to a gadfly? What does Socrates hope to achieve by being like a gadfly to Athens?

This OD is based in the APOLOGY reading. Please be sure that you have carefully read and studied this reading before you do this OD.

  1. In the Apology Socrates refers to himself as being like a “gadfly” to the people of Athens. Cite and quote the actual passage in the Apology in which a reference to gadfly is made. NOTE: To cite reference when using the dialogues of Plato, look at the margin and you will find the number and letter(s) closest to the passage you are quoting.
  2. What is a gadfly? What does it do? Why does Socrates compare himself to a gadfly? What does Socrates hope to achieve by being like a gadfly to Athens?
  3. In one of the sections in the Apology, Socrates explained why he did not enter the political life. WHY, according to Socrates, did he not enter the political life?