Is there any seasonal or regular, periodic nature to the popularity of the search times?

Use to find search trends for terms you are interested in.
Summarize the data and present your findings. Please take screenshots of the results from Google Trends and reference these screenshots when you present your findings. Create a Microsoft Document for this Case Project and put screenshots and your discussion in the word file.

Directions: You will need to (1) present your data, (2) summarize the data, and (3) discuss your findings by referencing appropriate information. Please refer to the content of your essay section. Grade will be based on the three aforementioned components.

Content of your Essays

You should write a short essay (at least 600 words) describing what you found. Your essay should include the following points:

The primary objective is to use this digital marketing tool for marketing decision-making. Whether you are using Google Trends or Google Insights for Search, you should specify the exact query you gave to retrieve your results (e.g., the search terms, the locations, and the time frame). You should describe how your search terms are related (i.e., the overall subject you are investigating).

1.The graph that is produced. You can just capture a screenshot and upload to your blog if that is easiest.

2. An objective description of the relative popularity of the search terms. For example, what is the relative ordering of popularity of the search terms? How much more popular is one term than another?

3. An objective description of the popularity of the search terms over time. Is there any seasonal or regular, periodic nature to the popularity of the search times? Is the popularity of these search terms increasing or decreasing over time? Has the relative popularity of the terms changed at all over time? Are there distinct moments in time when the popularity of the search term has abruptly increased or decreased?

4. A subjective discussion about the relative popularity of the search terms and their popularity over time. Why do you think some of the terms are more popular than others? How does searching for each term correlate with what is going on in the real world? What information from the other sources do you have to back up your speculations? What world events correspond to any observed peaks in search popularity?

5. Highlight – Compare your search results using the voice search engine and the normal search engine and report if there is any difference. If so, what are some implications for marketers?

6. Disciplinary Knowledge (very important) – Refer to the chapter readings and explain which marketing research principles you learned could be used to help you articulate your viewpoints better.

7. Extra credits (up to .5 points) – can you use Google Trends to predict your client’s brand image compared to their competitors? Please include your hypotheses, research analysis (e.g., Excel spreadsheet – required), analysis, and conclusions.
The purpose really is just for you to have the opportunity to explore Google Trends for digital marketing and SEO and not to perform in-depth research about events.