If you were the marketing director for a retailer and received such a letter, would you have replied the same way as Ms. Barnes?

For the Unit 4 Complete assignment, write a narrative essay (minimum 1,000 words) in which you address and discuss the questions and statements listed below. Use at least three (3) or more scholarly sources and remember to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the learned concepts from the unit’s READ and ATTEND sections in your essay. The course textbook or READ section may be used as one of the scholarly sources. Provide properly formatted APA citations within the body of your essay as well as corresponding references at the end of your essay. Make sure your essay meets the minimum word-count BEFORE the reference list is added.

Review the case, “Bandanna” on pages 480-483 of your textbook.

  • If you were the marketing director for a retailer and received such a letter, would you have replied the same way as Ms. Barnes?
  • Does a retailer’s imposition of hard and fast rules cause bad public relations? (After all, a breast cancer victim wearing a bandanna could hardly be mistaken for a gang member. The lack of hair, missing eyelashes, and a general pale complexion should have been a clue.)
  • Since the press was copied on Ms. Stiles’ letter, should the mall copy them on its reply?