Describe a project that might not be well suited for lin- ear scheduling.

1. A project consists of replacing the track on an existing
railroad line, involving 3,000 feet of track. The old track
can be removed at a rate of 70 feet per hour. The old rail-
road ties can be removed at a rate of 200 feet (measured
along the track) per hour. The new ties can be installed at
a rate of 25 feet per hour, and the replacement track can
be installed at a rate of 40 feet per hour. Show this oper-
ation on a linear schedule. Assume that the minimum
float for an activity at any location is 1 day.
2. A 1,500-foot subdivision street is to be constructed. The
layout will be completed in 3 days, the fill will be brought
in over the course of 8 days, the compaction/grading will
be completed in 5 days, the asphalt topping will be done
in 3 days, and the striping will take 1 day to complete.
Using a minimum float guideline of 1 day, develop a lin-
ear schedule for this project. What is the project duration
if no activities are to be interrupted? Suggest ways that
the duration can be shortened.
3. A shallow trench for a 1,000-foot waterline installation
will take 10 days. It will take 4 days to install the first 400
feet of pipe. A water meter will then be installed during
the following 2 days at the end of the pipe. After the
meter is installed, the remaining 600 feet of pipe will be
installed in 6 days. Develop a linear schedule for this project.
4. Describe a project that might not be well suited for lin-
ear scheduling.