What further changes are needed for there to be a sustainable change in the incidence of child labour in developing countries such as Pakistan?

Child labour in developing countries

1.What further changes are needed for there to be a sustainable change in the incidence of child labour in developing countries such as Pakistan?

2.Sketch out the main processes between a customer placing an enquiry and receiving
delivery of a WDT transformer. Where has WDT really scored in terms of reducing
this time?
3. What are the potential negatives of WDT’s new JIT system in terms of limiting
customer choice and short-circuiting the design process?

4.Why is time important to competitive advantage? Identify and explain six key contributions that speed can make to logistics strategy.
5 ‘Variety yes, complexity no’. Discuss the implications of this statement to logistics
6 Explain the significance of P:D ratios. How can the production lead time be reduced?