Explain what each of the 4 letters means about your preferred behavior style.

Leading Construction Operations Homework #1 – MBTI Personality Evaluation (40 pts)
1. Complete the MBTI Test and Evaluation

Go to:
www.humanmetrics.com home page for HUMANMETRICS.
a. In the upper left of the home page, click on “Jung Typology Test”.

b. On the next page, click the “Take free test”.

c. This will lead you to an online test with 64 questions. You should answer the questions
from the standpoint of when you are “at work”.

d. When completed click on “Score It.” Print the page with the four letter designator,
attach it to this assignment and bring it to class for discussion. Click on your four letter
type in the matrix on the test page for more information about your personality type.

e. Also click on the “16 types: ENGJ, INFJ…” for background on the test and “Type
Resources” for specific information pertaining to your personality type.

f. The MBTI Handbook on the Canvas course website has more information

2. (4) List your MBTI 4-Letter Personality Type: _____ _____ _____ ______. Does the MBTI
type description accurately describe you? ____Yes ____ No. Explain.

3. (8) Explain what each of the 4 letters means about your preferred behavior style.

4. (8) Based on the description of your MBTI type from the website or from the supplemental
material on Canvas, which personality characteristics most accurately represent you? Explain.
Which personality traits of your MBTI type least accurately describe you? Explain.

5. (8) How will your personality affect your leadership style? What specifically are your
strengths and weaknesses?

6. (8) Explain which MBTI type you believe would be best suited to a leadership role as a
construction project manager. State the characteristics that you feel are important and describe
why they are important.