Write an essay describing a scenario that illustrates one of the three types of natural selection

Types of Selection

In this assignment you will create a scenario that illustrates one of the three types of natural
selection. Your scenario must include the type of organism and their population, three variations
of a specific trait, and how the population shifted from one version of the trait to another and
why. Additionally, you should explain your reasoning as to how this scenario models this type of
Start by choosing one of the three types of selection and an organism to use in your scenario
Identify a specific trait of that organism and three variations of this trait. The variations should
represent a spectrum of the trait such as small, medium, large, or light, medium, dark, or smaller
amounts, medium amounts, larger amounts. Be creative in developing your scenario and
describing the selection of your chosen trait.
Writing Prompt:
Write an essay describing a scenario that illustrates one of the three types of natural selection.
Your essay must include the following: a description of the chosen type of selection, an organism
and population, three different variations of a specific trait, and how the population shifted from
one version of the trait to another and why.