Discuss the relationship between globalization and national sovereignty.

Disscussion question-Critical thinking

  1. Discuss the relationship between globalization and national sovereignty. (250 Words)
  2. Compare and contrast political economy and political system. (250 Words)
  3. How expatriate managers can make ethical decisions.
  4. Critically discuss Heckscher-Ohlin Theory of International trade.
  5. Discuss how an economy can shift toward a market-based system. (250 Words)
  6. Post your reaction to the issues raised in the video. Read the most recent Islamic Financial Services Board Keynotespeech. (100 Words)
  7. Specify the relationship between risk and expected return for asset portfolios on the efficient frontier. Watch the short video at the following link:


(100 Words)

  1. Explain various instruments for hedging interest rate risk. (100 Words)

Watch the short video at the following link:


  1. Describe how Value-at-Risk is used in practice.

Watch the short video at the following link:
