Describe the interaction and intended goals, linking them back to the theory you intended the interaction to demonstrate.

Design an assessment, play, or activity that allows you to interact with a child age eight or younger in a one-on-one situation. Your plan should:

Demonstrate one of the theories from last week’s readings in action (for example, Piaget, Gardner, Vygotsky, Skinner).
Help promote the child’s role in directing their learning through interaction.
Then write a 2–4 page paper in which you present three sections:

Describe the interaction and intended goals, linking them back to the theory you intended the interaction to demonstrate.
Describe the implementation of the interaction and the child’s reaction to it.
Analyze the interaction and describe what worked well to improve the child’s self-directed learning, what did not work well, and what you would adapt for a future assessment. Remember to:
Always tie the analysis back to your theory.
Include analysis of the communication techniques you used during the interaction, such as verbal, nonverbal, and listening techniques.
Describe how the different communication techniques and other interactions led to improved learning for the child.