Complete these multiplications and divisions by the shortcut method (do not do any written calculations

Divide the following and round to the nearest hundredth: LU 3-2(1) 3-42. .8931 = 3 3-43. 29.432 .0012
3-44. .0065 ÷ .07 3-46. 8.95 ÷ 1.81
3-45. 7,742.1 ÷ 48 3-47. 2,600 = 381
Convert the following to decimals and round to the nearest hundredth: LU 3-1(2) 3-48. 1 – 5 3-49. I 3-50. – 8 25 6
Complete these multiplications and divisions by the shortcut method (do not do any written calculations): LU 3-2(3)
3-52. 96.7 ÷ 10 3-55. .86 ÷ 100 3-58. 750 x 10 3-61. 7.9132 x 1,000
3-53. 258 = 100 3-56. 9.015 x 100 3-59. 3,950 ÷ 1,000
3-54. 8.51 x 1,000 3-57. 48.6 x 10 3-60. 8.45=10