How was Knapp able to hide her drinking and symptoms from some people? Most notably, how was she able to function and have success in her career at work?

This response memo assignment is intended to encourage reflection on the memoir itself, as well as the Addictions Science unit as a whole. Although I’m expecting most students will prefer to provide their reflections in a written essay format due to the short time frame, you may choose an alternative format. For example, you may feel drawn to make a slide show with or without narration, present a recording instead of a written document, or another alternative format. If you have uncertainty about the appropriateness, please send a quick canvas message or email with your idea.


Since we are reading this in the AUD unit, I asked you to look out for and take note of some things with your addictions scientist hat on.

However, the focus of your assignment is up to you and what resonated with you, as long as it addresses her memoir with at least some aspects of an additions perspective. This should be about 3-4 pages long (double spaced) and can include personal as well as academic reflections if you desire. You may want to reflect on 1-3 of the questions below, but if you have other things on your mind, you may focus on those.

Some possible reflection topics:

The types of symptoms she describes. When do you first realize she might meet the DSM criteria for moderate or severe alcohol use disorder? When does SHE recognize that she might have a problem? Are these different?
How was Knapp able to hide her drinking and symptoms from some people? Most notably, how was she able to function and have success in her career at work?
How do you see her story fitting into the biopsychosocial model of predisposing and precipitating factors for AUD? (class model will be linked to here Links to an external site.) Are your perceptions of “cause” the same as what she attributes cause to? Why or why not?
What role did family issues, especially unspoken family secrets, have on her adult mental health and drinking behaviors? Does this complicate your thinking of what adverse childhood experience (ACES) might look like for someone growing up, or do you think this situation is a different type of childhood issue?
Can you identify her “drinking motives” (for a refresher on drinking motives, check out the Kuntsche et al article here)? How do you think these influenced her symptoms?
What impact did her chosen social networks (outside of her family), especially her choices with romantic partners, have on her alcohol use?
Can you identify protective factors that may have helped her recognize her problems or prevent relapse?
Were there missed opportunities to change her drinking earlier due to perpetuating factors? (again, you may want to look at the class biopsychosocial model here Links to an external site.)