Qualitative forecasts and causal forecasts are not partic- ularly useful as inputs to inventory and scheduling deci- sions. Why is this statement true?

Discussion Questions
1. Is there a difference between forecasting demand and

forecasting sales? Can demand be forecast from histori

cal sales data?

2. What is the distinction between forecasting and planning?

3. Qualitative forecasting methods should be used only as

a last resort. Agree or disagree? Comment.

4. Describe the uses of qualitative, time-series, and causal


5. Qualitative forecasts and causal forecasts are not partic

ularly useful as inputs to inventory and scheduling deci

sions. Why is this statement true?

6. What type of time-series components would you expect

for the following products and services?

a. Monthly sales of a retail florist.

b. Monthly sales of milk in a supermarket.

c. Daily demand in a call center.

7. What are the advantages of exponential smoothing over

the moving average and the weighted moving average?

8. How should the choice of α be made for exponential


9. Describe the difference between
fit and prediction for
forecasting models.

10. In the Stokely Company, marketing makes a sales fore

cast by developing a sales force composite. Meanwhile,

operations makes a forecast of sales based on past data,

trends, and seasonal components. The operations fore

cast usually turns out to be 20 percent less than the

forecast of the marketing department. How should

forecasting in this company be done?

11. Explain how CPFR can be used to reduce forecasting error.

12. Under what circumstances might CPFR be useful, and

when is it not useful?