Describe how the view of operations as a process can be applied to the following types of work:

1. Why study operations management in the supply chain?
2. What is the difference between the terms “production

management” and “operations management”?

3. What is the difference between operations management

and supply chain management?

4. What are the key decisions made by sourcing and logis

tics managers?

5. How does the work of an operations manager differ

from the work of a marketing manager or a finance

manager? How are these functions similar?

6. How is the operations management function related to

activities in human resources, information systems, and


7. Describe the nature of operations management in the

following organizations. In doing this, first identify the

outputs of the organization and then use the five deci

sion types to identify important operations decisions

and responsibilities.

a. A college library

b. A hotel

c. A small manufacturing firm

8. For the organizations listed in question 7, describe the

inputs, transformation process, and outputs of the

production system.

9. Describe the decision-making view and the view of

operations as a process. Why are both views useful in

studying the field of operations management?

10. Write a short paper on some of the challenges

facing operations management in the future. Use

newspapers, business magazines, or the Internet as

your sources.

11. Review job postings from various sources for

management positions that are available for operations

management graduates. Summarize the responsibilities

of these positions.

12. Describe how the view of operations as a process can

be applied to the following types of work:

a. Acquisition of another company.

b. Closing the books at the end of the year.

c. Marketing research for a new product.

d. Design of an information system.

e. Hiring a new employee