Using the information provides, prepare a preliminary damages estimate and explain the basis for your opinion on each item. Identify any questions or information you would to see or analyze to support your damages estimate.


In your course textbook, read Exercise 24, Acme-Aviation (AA) in Chapter 10, page 10-30.Requirements:

1.You are the expert that has been hired by Fast Deliveries to develop a damages estimate for them that you will defend in deposition and at trial, if necessary. Using the information provided, prepare a preliminary damages estimate and explain the basis for your opinion on each item. Identify any questions or information you would to see or analyze to support your damages estimate.

2.You are an expert who has been hired by Acme Aviation to develop a damages estimate for them that you will defend in deposition and at trial, if necessary. Using the information provides, prepare a preliminary damages estimate and explain the basis for your opinion on each item. Identify any questions or information you would to see or analyze to support your damages estimate.