Examine all Health Outcomes and Health Factors.

Web based activity: follow the instruction/task below on the subject “how healthy is your county?”

Web Link: http://www.countyhealthrankings.org/

Click or copy the above link to access the website.
Title – How Healthy is Your Community? Appears.
Enter your “County” in the search bar.
Examine all Health Outcomes and Health Factors.
Determine your County Ranking #, Health Outcomes and Health Factors.

Your Task:
Identify your County’s Demographics.
Identify what led to your County’s Health Outcomes, Health Factors, including other sub-title rankings. Search 2015-2021 and check your County’s Trend.
Write a well-developed 3-4 paragraphs about what was interesting to know and what surprised you. Explain the social determinants of health observed and how Public Health Professionals can help improve your County’s ranking outcomes.
Post your work only. No responses to 2 other students’ posting are required.

Use college level witting. I.e., proofread your writing before submission.
Check “grade total session” on BB to see your grade status/progress.
Be prepared to finish strong as many of you have done so well.