Choose 4 examples from the following list of 6. Describe and analyze each selected artwork.

Choose 4 examples from the following list of 6.
Describe and analyze each selected artwork. Cover all 12 categories (bellow the list) for each work. Write at least two-page paper (600 words) on each work that you selected (total final paper is 8 pages or 2,400 words). Used the textbook and cite other sources if used. You can write your paper as a narrative style (essay) or list style (1 to 12).

List of works (Choose 4)

1. The Acropolis in Athens and its buildings
2. The mosaic of the Battle of Issus
3. The Colosseum in Rome
4. Crucifixion from the Church of the Dormition, Daphni
5. Ascension of Christ and Mission of the Apostles, Church of La Madeleine, Vezelay
6. Reims Cathedral: architecture, sculptures and stained-glass windows.

Categories for evaluation:
1. Title
2. Year the work was created
3. Medium/technique
4. Size
5. Where is it displayed or located today?
6. Short biography of the artist or architect (if available)
7. History of the work
8. Description of the work
9. Analyze the formal aspects of the work such as composition, figures/background, colors, perspective, texture, proportions etc. (whatever is relevant)
10. Analyze the message (meaning) aspects of the work: the story behind it, philosophical/literal/religious/political sources etc.
11. Are there any previous works that influenced on this work? How is it similar or different?

12. What is the style of this work and why?

Choose 4 topic from “List Of Works.” (Only 4).

For each topic, answer 1 to 12 questions from “Categories for evaluation.”

Please let me know if you need have any questions. Thank You! Each paragraph for each question.

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