Watch the short video in the following

  • Watch the short video at the following link News) – YouTube


  • What is a sole proprietorship? What drawbacks should be considered.
    • Watch the short video at the following link

Incivility – Disrespect at work place. – YouTube

    • In chapter 2, you learn about Emotional intelligence and its four domains. Reflect on a recent time your lack of (self-awareness or self-management) led you to make a poor decision. Describe what happened.
    • After watching the video, summarize some forms of workplace incivility.
    • Watch the short video in the following link: Modern Project Management

      question:Project involve doing something that has never done before with specific requirements like time, cost, and performance to be considered. Discuss.

    • Watch the video at the following link

    • What is public administration?

      What are the main elements of public administration?