Draw the block diagram for a DMA controller.

 Systems Programming
Final Exam
1. What is digital data? Give a clear example.
2. What is a pipeline? Give a detailed example of a pipeline operation.
Describe the advantages and limitations of a pipeline.
3. Define and describe RISC. Describe the advantages and limitations of
RISC. What are the primary goals of RISC?
4. Define and describe CISC. Describe the advantages and limitations of
CISC. What are the primary goals of CISC?
5. Define and describe interrupts. How are interrupts related to DMA?
6. Draw the block diagram for a DMA controller.
7. Define and describe DRAM. Describe the advantages and limitations of
8. Why use RAM that is much slower than cache memory? Why not simply
use cache memory for every application?
9. Define and describe Cache Memory. What problem does it solve? How is
cache memory different than virtual memory?
10. Define and describe machine language and assembly language. How are
they related?