Write a 300-word summary of your viewing experiences regarding one of America’s greatest-ever films, Citizen Kane.

Write a 300-word summary of your viewing experiences regarding one of America’s greatest-ever films, Citizen Kane.

1) 100 words of your own about your reaction to the Citizen Kane film itself.

2) 100 words about your reaction to RKO 281.

3) 100 words about your reaction to The Battle Over Citizen Kane.

Please use your own words ONLY.

Video Links

Citizen Kane:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CE3GA1Lr8d-77AJ7m…

RKO 281: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tcoWzzL_Qy0q1GhXt…

The Battle Over Citizen Kane: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VcfB_5DNgw4Qz83RI…

please only cite from the video. no outside resources