What you would do to improve the internal consistency.


  1. This attached data set provides responses of 2571 students on a recently developed Anxiety Questionnaire intended to be used to study the anxiety level of doctoral students.This analysis will use Cronbach’s alpha analysis as presented in class to compute the reliability (in terms of internal consistency) of a specific subscale. The subscales with their specific items of interest are:
    • Statistics makes me cry: Q01, Q06, Q11, Q16, Q21
    • Writing wrecks my nerves: Q02, Q07, Q12, Q17, Q22
    • Presentations make me pass out: Q03, Q08, Q13, Q18, Q23
    • Reading makes me want to run away: Q04, Q09, Q14, Q19
    • APA format gives me hives: Q05, Q10, Q15, Q20
    All items are 5-point Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree).Using JASP and the sample data, determine the internal consistency of the Presentations make me pass out subscale. In your write-up, include at a minimum the following:
    • The results in APA format.
    • What the results indicate.
    • What you would do to improve the internal consistency.
    • What your thoughts are on the process.
    • Have at least one citation (peer-reviewed and/or textbook) to support your discussion.
    Read the following learning materials: Which tests should I use? Statistical Analysis for JASP: A Guide for Students (pp. 176 – 179)
    1. Creswell & Creswell text:
      • Chapter 7: Research Questions and Hypotheses
      • Chapter 8: Quantitative Methods
    Supplemental Reading:
    1. Barbera, J., Naibert, N., Komperda, R., & Pentecost, T.C. (2021). Clarity on Cronbach’s Alpha use. Journal of chemical education, 98(2), p. 257-258.
    2. De Vito, R., Bellio, R., Trippa, L., & Parmigiani, G. (2019). Multi-study factor analysis. Biometrics, 75(1), p. 337-346.