Discuss how these goals are/are not attainable and sustainable after this class is completed.

You will submit a two page APA formatted, 12-point and Times New Roman font paper regarding the process of making a personal wellness plan and your progress. Critical analysis of this process must be demonstrated. The paper must be submitted via dropbox. You are required include a minimum of three scholarly sources and reference those throughout the paper. You must reference these sources at the end of your paper (This does not count as one of the pages to the page limit). These sources will help you ensure that your behavior plan is supported by the current addiction literature.

This paper will address the following items:

    1. What were your personal wellness goals regarding the chosen behavior?
    2. Discuss the reasons why you chose the goals.
    3. How would the changes now pose an impact on others/society?
    4. Discuss the process of change you experienced during this experience.
    5. Explain the progress made toward your goals as well as barriers that impacted your success.
    6. Discuss how these goals are/are not attainable and sustainable after this class is completed.