According to Erikson, which of the following stages would include children ages 12 to 18 years?

Maternal exam 3


  1. According to Erikson, which of the following stages would include children ages 12 to 18 years?
  2. Generativity vs. Stagnation
  3. Initiative vs. Guilt
  4. Trust vs. Mistrust
  5. d. Identity vs. role confusion
  6. In the first year of life. Infants develop new skills at a very rapid rate. From the responses listed below, choose the best answer to the following question. At what age might an infant begin drinking from a cup?
  7. 12 months
  8. 9 months
  9. A nurse is preparing to administer an IM injection to a preschool-age child. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?
  10. Administer the medication in the child’s room.
  11. Allow the child to choose the site for injection.
  12. Ask the parents to hold the child.
  13. Tell the child the medicine will make him better.
  14. Vomiting and diarrhea are common childhood illnesses. Dehydration can occur if vomiting and diarrhea are severe or persistent. Other than dehydration, what are other risks of persistent vomiting? Select all that apply.
  15. Electrolyte imbalance
  16. Aspiration
  17. Weight loss
  18. Tooth decay
  19. Urinary tract infection
  20. A 7-year-old male presents to the pediatric clinic with a reported history of low-grade fever followed by the development of a rash. On assessment, the nurse notes multiple red papules, vesicles, and crusted lesions scattered over the trunk, face, and extremities. The history and presentation are most consistent with:
  21. Rubella (Germany measles)
  22. Atopic Dermatitis (eczema)
  23. Varicella (chicken pox)
  24. Coxsackie virus (Hand, foot, and mouth)
  25. A 3-year-old child is hospitalized for persistent vomiting. Initially, the provider writes orders for the child to be NPO (nothing by mouth). After the vomiting begins to subside, the provider begins to advance the child’s diet. The child does well with a clear liquid diet and is advanced to a full diet. Which of the following items would be a complete liquid diet?
  26. Milkshakes
  27. Toast
  28. Mashed potatoes
  29. Scrambled eggs
  30. A nurse is caring for a child who is experiencing an acute asthmatic attack. Which of the following medications should the nurse administer first?
  31. Montelukast
  32. Fluticasone
  33. Methylprednisolone
  34. albuterol
  35. A nurse at a pediatrician’s office is contacted by a parent whose child just ingested half a bottle of prenatal vitamins. What instruction should the nurse provide the parent?
  36. Contact the poison control center.
  37. Have the child eat a high carbohydrate meal.
  38. Give the child syrup of Ipecac
  39. Do nothing; the vitamins are harmless
  40. The preschool stage of development spans from the ages of 3 to 5 years. During this time, children are developing fine motor skills. They are learning more complex games, and they are magical thinkers. This means preschoolers use fantasy or magical thinking to understand situations that are complex. Which of the following is an example of magical thinking?
  41. Putting a bandage on a stuffed animal
  42. Blaming an imaginary friend for breaking a toy
  43. Understanding object permanence
  44. Naming a favorite doll
  45. Newborns need support with thermoregulation as they adjust to life in their new environment. This means swaddling the baby in warm, dry blankets and keeping a soft hat on to cover their heads. The temperature of a newborn will be constantly monitored to make sure they are not too cold. Which of the following is a risk if the newborn becomes too cold?
  46. Shivering
  47. Hypoglycemia
  48. Decreased muscle tone
  49. Tachycardia
  50. According to Erik Erikson, school-age children are in which psychosocial development stage?
  51. Industry vs. Inferiority
  52. Autonomy vs. Shame
  53. Initiative vs. Guilt
  54. Ego Integrity vs. Despair
  55. Your client weighs 12 kg. The provider orders acetaminophen10 mg/kg every four hours as needed for fever. What dose should the client receive?
  56. 120 mg
  57. 1.2 mg
  58. 12 mg
  59. 0.8 mg
  60. Infants are at risk for burns for several reasons. Which of the following statements would indicate that the caregivers of an infant need further teaching about the risk of burns?
  61. “ I always check the bathwater so that the water is not too hot before bathing my baby.”
  62. “ I never leave my baby alone during bath time.”
  63. “ I microwave my baby’s bottles to warm them.”
  64. “ I am careful that the baby does not have access to hot items on the stove.”


  1. Medication dosage for younger children is typically based on weight. Which of the following

is true about weight-based dosing? Select all that apply.

  1. Dosage can be calculated on a weight obtained two months ago.
  2. Dosage can be estimated based on the age of the child.
  3. Weight must be accurate.
  4. Dosage calculation will use weight in kilograms
  5. Toddlers do not require weight-based medication dosing.


  1. The developmental stages of adolescence spans the ages of 12 to 20 years of age. A lot of changes take place during this time. During this time, males and females reach their full height. Females will typically reach their full height at an earlier age than males. At what age do we expect males to reach their full height?
  2. 14 years of age
  3. 20 years of age
  4. 18 years of age
  5. 16 years of age
  6. Adolescence is the developmental stage that includes which age group?
  7. 10-12 years
  8. 20 and older
  9. 12-20 years
  10. 8-10 years
  11. Prevention of medication errors is a priority concern for all nurses. There are a variety of safety measures that are designed to prevent medication errors. One of those safety measures relates to “ high alert” medication which requires having two nurses check the dose prior to administration. Which of the following is considered a “high alert” medication?
  12. Benadryl
  13. Insulin
  14. Amoxicillin
  15. Tylenol
  16. As children age. There are many physiological changes that occur. These changes often mean taking a different approach with medication administration. One example of this includes administration of ear drops. There are two different techniques used to administer ear drops, and are based on the age of the child. Which of the following techniques is used for children under the age of three?
  17. Gently pull the pinna up and back.
  18. Gently pull the pinna up and forward.
  19. Gently pull the pinna down and forward.
  20. Gently pull the pinna down and back.
  21. The nurse in the pediatric clinic is providing teaching to the parents of a 5-day old infant regarding safety and infection control. Parents have concerns about a recent outbreak of pertussis in their 3-year old child’s day care center and want to know they can protect their newborn. Which response from the nurse is most accurate?
  22. “All household contacts should receive a pertussis vaccine or booster?”
  23. “ Your baby will receive a TDaPat at 2, 4, and 6 months of age.”
  24. “ We will administer the first pertussis vaccine today and repeat it at 2 and 4 months”
  25. “ Your baby is not at risk for the infection because of immunity transferred during pregnancy.”
  26. A nurse is caring for a 6-week-old infant admitted to the pediatric unit for evaluation of suspected pyloric stenosis. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect?
  27. Bulging fontanelle
  28. Projectile vomiting
  29. Distended abdomen
  30. Abnormal weight gain.
  31. The nurse is discussing safety with a group of mothers of two-year-olds. What is an important teaching topic for this age group.
  32. Apply safety locks on all cabinets .
  33. Always wear helmets when riding bicycles
  34. Cover electrical outlets with caps.
  35. Always supervise bath time.
  36. Cyberbullying can be a risk for adolescents. There have been cases where where cyberbullying resulted in adolescent suicide. Healthcare workers can help bring awareness to cyberbullying by advising parents and teens of some of the methods by which cyberbullying occurs. Which of the following are examples of how cyberbullying occurs? (select all that apply)
  37. Setting up a fictitious website
  38. Using email to torment someone
  39. Posing as a child on social media
  40. Sending letters through the mail
  41. According to Erikson’s psychosocial development theory. The stage of adolescence includes a greater focus on concepts such as peer groups, self-concept, and self-esteem. Which of the following outcomes would occur if the adolescent does not meet the goals of this developmental stage?
  42. Inability to solve conflicts
  43. stagnation
  44. Lack of initiative
  45. Mistrust
  46. Effective communication among health care team members is critical. One method to ensure we are communicating effectively is by use of SBAR ( situation,

background,assessment,and recommendation). Which of the following information would be background information?

  1. Patient’s past medical history
  2. Identification of yourself
  3. A brief suggestion of the action needed
  4. Current level of pain
  5. Breastfeeding is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics; however, not all moms choose to breastfeed. New moms should be given support regardless of the decision they make on how to feed their babies. When using formula feeding exclusively, the recommendation is to use formula that includes which of the following dietary


  1. Iron fortified
  2. Protein fortified
  3. Vitamin c fortified
  4. Vitamin D fortified
  5. What is typically the cause of hypovolemic shock in children?
  6. Allergic reaction
  7. Cardiac abnormalities
  8. Severe dehydration
  9. infection
  10. Medications are administered rectally if another route is not appropriate. For example, a child who is vomiting and unable to hold down anything by mouth may have medications prescribed to be administered rectally. Which of the following would be a contraindication to administering medication rectally?
  11. The child is vomiting.
  12. The child has a bleeding disorder.
  13. The child has difficulty swallowing.
  14. The child has a fever.
  15. A nurse is reinforcing teaching about car safety with parents of an 18-month-old child who weighs 24 lbs(10.9 kg). What position describes the safest placement of the car seat?
  16. Forward-facing in the back seat on the passenger side.
  17. Rear-facing in the front passenger side with activated airbag.
  18. Rear-facing in the middle of the backseat.
  19. Forward-facing in the middle of the back seat.
  20. When children experience flare-ups of their chronic conditions, hospitalizations may be required. Play can be used to help children make sense of everything that is happening to them such as diagnostic procedures, medication, and other treatments and even all the beeps and alarms in an intensive care unit. Which of the following are specialized members of the health care team whose job it is to help children through play?
  21. Play dates
  22. Child life specialists
  23. Case managers
  24. Play therapists
  25. Your client weighs 88 pounds. The provider orders ibuprofen 10 mg/kg every six hours as needed for pain. What dose will be administered?
  26. 880 mg
  27. 40 mg
  28. 400 mg
  29. 88 mg
  30. A nurse is attending a seminar about the care of premature infants. The presenter asked the audience for ideas on how to soothe a fussy baby. Which of the following suggestions is the best option to soothe a premature baby?
  31. Keep the baby in a well-lit room.
  32. Have the television on while feeding the baby.
  33. Reposition the baby at frequent intervals.
  34. Swaddle the baby snugly when holding them.
  35. The provider orders 240 mg of acetaminophen PO (by mouth) every four hours as needed for fever. On hand you have acetaminophen 160 mg/5 mL. How much medication will be administered?
  36. 15
  37. 1.5
  38. 7.5
  39. 0.75
  40. A student nurse wants to become familiar with the vaccination schedule. What is the best resource for the student nurse to find the most current vaccination schedule?
  41. The student should use a search engine on her computer for the information.
  42. The pediatrician’s office will have the most up-to-date information posted.
  43. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Website (CDC)
  44. Oral medications come in the form of liquid or tablets. Liquid medications will require measurement to administer the most accurate dosage. Which of the following methods of measurement is most accurate for smaller doses of liquid medicines?
  45. A measuring cup
  46. A tablespoon
  47. The cap from the medication bottle
  48. A syringe
  49. Your client weighs 33 pounds. The provider has ordered amoxicillin 40 mg/kg/day divided into three doses. How much amoxicillin will be administered each dose? a. 1320 mg
  50. 600 mg
  51. 440 mg
  52. 200 mg
  53. A two-month-old infant is admitted to the hospital. The nurse should perform which action to maintain the infant’s safety and to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)?
  54. Make sure only plastic bottles and toys are used.
  55. Cover the crib with netting when the child is not directly observed.
  56. Place the infant in a supine position for sleep.
  57. Take the pacifier out of the infant’s mouth before the infant falls asleep.
  58. The cranial bones of an infant are not fully closed (fused) at birth. This is to allow for the head to pass more easily through the birth canal. These spaces between the cranial bones are called fontanelles and over time they will close. At what age would we expect the posterior fontanelle to close?
  59. 9 to 12 months
  60. 2 to 3 months
  61. 3 to 6 months
  62. 6 to 9 months
  63. Which statement should help guide the student nurse in caring for a three-year-old child who experiences pain?
  64. The parent can actually determine the child’s pain management needs.
  65. Children are resilient and therefore require less pain management than adults.
  66. Pain is assessed using an age-appropriate assessment tool.
  67. The pediatric client is at higher risk for addiction than the adult client.
  68. A child’s airway is anatomically different from an adult’s airway. This means that a respiratory illness that may have minor symptoms in an adult could easily result in respiratory distress in a young child. Which of the following is not a sign of respiratory distress in a child.
  69. Non-labored breathing
  70. Cyanosis
  71. Nasal flaring
  72. Chest retractions
  73. Babies develop communication skills at a rapid rate by just two months of age. Babies are able to recognize faces as well as smile and coo when they are happy. At what age would we anticipate a baby will begin to speak one to two words such as “ MaMa” or “Da Da”?
  74. 9 months
  75. 12 months
  76. 10 months
  77. 8 months
  78. Preschoolers become quite good at climbing. This puts them at risk for fall injuries. If a preschooler requires treatment for a fall injury. Which of the following would be the best choice to determine the level of pain the child is experiencing?
  79. wong-Baker FACES pain scale
  80. Using facial expression to describe the pain
  81. Pointing to the word that describes the pain
  82. Use of the 0-10 pain scale
  83. According to Erik Erikson, preschoolers are in which psychosocial developmental stage?
  84. Autonomy vs.Shame
  85. Initiative vs.Guilt
  86. Identity vs. role confusion.
  87. infants in general have a higher risk of dehydration than adults. One reason is that infants have greater body surface area than adults, which allows for more insensible water loss. Which of the following is not considered a sign of dehydration in an infant?
  88. Rapid, thready pulse.
  89. Increased urine output
  90. Sunken fontanels
  91. Low blood pressure
  92. A nurse is reinforcing discharge instructions with the mom of a 9-month-old. The final discharge note about implementing safety precautions. Which of the following statements indicates that the mom needs further reinforcement about safe practices?
  93. I always put a car seat on the front seat facing forward so I can watch her more closely
  94. I have a safety gate to keep her from using the sitters.
  95. “Place childproof locks on all of the cabinets.”
  96. “ I have put covers on all of the electrical outlets.”
  97. A nurse is caring for a 4-year-old child who had an incident of bedwetting during hospitalization. The child’s parents express concern about the incident. Which of the following responses should the nurse make?
  98. “Children who are hospitalized often regress. The toileting skills will return when your child is feeling better.”
  99. “Why is she wetting bed in the hospital? She must wet the bed at home.” c. “ I will discuss your child’s loss of bladder control with the provider.”
  100. “ I know this can be embarrassing. I have kids myself, so I understand, and it doesn’t bother me.”
  101. What would be the most appropriate activity to recommend to parents to promote sensory-motor stimulation for a 1- year old?
  102. Spend time in the infant swing
  103. Play with push/pull toys
  104. Ride a tricycle
  105. Read large picture books
  106. LPNs contribute to the client care by completing tasks such as focused assessments. Which of the following will be included in a focused assessment for an older child with abdominal discomfort? Select all that apply.
  107. Determine the level of pain
  108. Evaluate bowel sounds
  109. Palpate abdomen
  110. Palpate pedal pulses
  111. Auscultate breath sounds
  112. Keeping babies safe when traveling in a vehicle is very important. To accomplish this, babies should always ride in a car seat that is approved for their size and age. Which of the following responses best describes how infant car seats should be placed inside the vehicle?
  113. Back seat, rear facing
  114. Front seat, forward facing
  115. Back seat, forward facing
  116. Front seat, rear facing
  117. What are some common locations for an intramuscular injection? Select all that apply. a. Clavicle
  118. Deltoid
  119. Vastus Lateralis
  120. Great trochanter
  121. ventrolateral
  122. A new mother brings her 1-month-old infant to the pediatric clinic for evaluation. She asks the nurse when her baby will be protected from poliovirus. Which of the following is the most accurate response by the nurse?
  123. “ Your child will receive an oral vaccine for poliovirus at the age of 2, 4, and 6 months and again at 4 years.”
  124. “Your child will be vaccinated for poliovirus via injections beginning at age 12 months and repeated at 4 years.”
  125. “ Your child will receive an injectable vaccination for poliovirus at ages of 2, 4, and 6 months and again at 4 years,”
  126. “ We no longer vaccinate for poliovirus in the united states as the infection has been eradicated.”
  127. The nurse is preparing to administer ibuprofen to a 2-year-old child with fever and weighs 27 lbs. The medication is prepared as a 100mg/5ml suspension. If administering 10 mg/kg/dose. What is the volume of the individual dose? (roundto the nearest tenth.)
  128. 122 mL
  129. 6.1 mL
  130. 6.1 mg
  131. 6.13 mL
  132. Injury prevention in school-age children addresses the growing independence and autonomy seen during the developmental stage. Which of the following should be an appropriate method of injury prevention for school-age children? Select all that apply
  133. Stronger safety measures
  134. Child safety locks on cabinets with cleaning supplies
  135. Gun safety measures
  136. Use of protective equipment for contact sports
  137. Water safety measures
  138. Children should be observed for adverse effects of any medication, especially if it is a newly prescribed medication. Which of the following would be a priority reaction to report following administration of a new medication?
  139. Abdominal pain
  140. Nausea

c.Difficult breathing


  1. Stranger anxiety begins during the infancy stage and can last through the toddler stage; stranger anxiety can present some challenges to the health care team when a toddler is hospitalized; the perdicrit nurse must adapt and how to interpret and engage with the toddler in order to gain trust. Which of the following are appropriate measures to engage a toddler? Select all that apply.
  2. Using finger puppets
  3. Reading a simple book
  4. Soft, colorful balls
  5. Magic wand filled with glitter
  6. Complete puzzle
  7. The infancy stage includes the time from birth to twelve months of age. During this time infants gain weight at a rate of approximately 1.5 pounds per month. By the age of twelve months, how should the infant’s weight compare to their birth weight?
  8. Their weight at twelve months should be ten pounds over their birth weight. b. Their weight at 12 months should be double their birth weight.
  9. Their weight at twelve months should be four times their birth weight.
  10. Their weight at twelve months should be three times their birth weight.
  11. Erik Erikson introduced the theory of preschool development, which consists of 8 life stages. According to Erikson, each stage presents a crisis that the child or adult must receive before moving to the next stage. Which of the following is the stage of
  12. The nursing process is used in the clinical setting every day and can be a basis on which the client’s care plan is created. One of the ways to help remember the steps of the nursing process is to use the acronym “ADPIE.” In this acronym which step of the nursing process is represented by the letter.” D”?
  13. Delivery
  14. Delegate
  15. Diagnosis
  16. Development
  17. Cleft lip and cleft palate are two conditions that typically require surgical intervention. What are some examples of immediate postoperative care for a pediatric client? Select all that apply
  18. Evaluate vital signs
  19. Ambulate client
  20. Evaluate pain level
  21. Position for comfort
  22. Evaluate surgical incision.
  23. There are some medical conditions that require nutritional support other than the oral intake. This can include total parenteral nutrition ( TPN), which is a mixture of supplements that are given through an intravenous catheter. Nutrition can also be given through a feeding tube. What is the name of this type of feeding?
  24. Peripheral feeding
  25. Endotracheal feeding
  26. Enteral feeding
  27. Epidural feeding
  28. Keeping babies safe includes offering safe toys to play with. Which of the following would be considered a safe toy for an infant?
  29. A video game
  30. A pull-along wagon
  31. Building blocks
  32. A teething ring
  33. The provider orders 10 mg promethazine IM intramuscular every six hours as needed for nausea. On hand you have promethazine 25 mg per mL. How much promethazine will you draw into the syringe?
  34. 0.4 mL
  35. 5 mL
  36. 4 mL
  37. 0.5 mL
  38. The nurse is caring for a 15- year-old client who states that she is an emancipated minor. The nurse recognizes that which statement is correct.
  39. The client may be emancipated if she is married at the time of service.
  40. Laws regarding emancipation may vary from state to state.
  41. The client is only emancipated if she is pregnant at the time of service.
  42. The nurse should contact social services to determine if the client is a runaway. 64. When administering medication to children, it is important to keep them safe by using the rights of medication administration just as you would with an adult. Which of the following is not one of the rights of medication administration?
  43. Right time
  44. Right dose
  45. Right personality
  46. Right client
  47. The nurse planning a safety program for high school students should understand that most accidental adolescent deaths are related to which factor?
  48. Drug use
  49. Drowning
  50. Automobile accidents
  51. Firearm accidents
  52. Which of the following is most important when planning the care of a child in the hospital?
  53. weight
  54. Chronological age
  55. Developmental level
  56. Gender
  57. The provider orders 10 mg of prednisolone by mouth as a one-time stat order for wheezing. On hand, you have prednisolone 2.5 mg tablets. How many tablets will be administered?.
  58. 0.4 tablets
  59. 4 tablets
  60. 2 tablets
  61. 0.2 tablets
  62. A nurse is caring for a 12- month old infant who is being treated for bacteria pneumonia. The nurse is preparing to administer medication to an infant in the vastus lateralis. Which most accurately describes the site the nurse will use to administer medication?
  63. The outer thigh, midway between the hip and the kneecap
  64. The upper outer quadrant of the buttock above the iliac crest
  65. The inner aspect of the thigh, midway between the groin and the kneecap d. The upper arm, two finger breadths below the acromion process
  66. Children who are hospitalized for an illness can in many ways. Care should be taken to maintain as much of the child’s routine as possible. However, the child already feels ill, and being in an unfamiliar place can add to their stress. Which of the following are signs of fear in the hospitalized child? Select all that apply.
  67. Playing with other children
  68. Baby talk in the preschooler
  69. Refusing to eat
  70. Loss of developmental milestone
  71. Stranger anxiety
  72. Your client weighs 66 pounds. The provider has ordered amoxicillin 40 mg/kg/day. What is the daily dose of amoxicillin for the child?
  73. 1200 mg each day
  74. 2400 mg each day
  75. 2640 mg each day
  76. 5808 mg each day
  77. There are several developmental theorists whose theory provide insight into expected developmental achievements for a child. Which of the following theorists do we credit for the theory of cognitive development?
  78. Lawrence Kohlberg
  79. Erik Erikson
  80. Sigmund Freud
  81. Jean Plaget
  82. Children move through several developmental stages. Which ages are represented by the “preschool” developmental stage?
  83. 3 to 6 years age
  84. 4 to 8 years of age
  85. 2 to 5 years of age
  86. Birth to 1 year of age
  87. A nurse is collecting data on a newborn suspected of having Down Syndrome. When checking the newborn’s skin, what does the nurse expect to note if the syndrome is present?
  88. Multiple creases across the palm
  89. A single crease across the palm
  90. The absence of creases on the palm
  91. Double creases across the palm
  92. Young children are at risk of aspiration. As part of the healthcare team, LPNs contribute to the prevention of choking injuries. Which of the following is an example of a food item that poses a risk of choking?
  93. Banana
  94. Whole grapes
  95. Cooked vegetables
  96. Cottage cheese
  97. epiglottis is a serious diagnosis that can quickly become a medical emergency. Which of the following is a priority action for children who have suspected epiglottis?
  98. Obtaining a throat swab
  99. Completing a finger stick for blood glucose
  100. Keeping the child calm and relaxed
  101. Completing a series of diagnostic x-rays
  102. Some medications can be administered into a muscle using a syringe and needle. Needles and syringes come in a variety of different sizes. Needles are measured by length ( ½ inch, 1 inch,1 ½ inch etc). They are also measured by the size of the lumen ( the hollow opening through which medication is passed). Which of the following responses below would help determine the lumen size of the needle?
  103. Rate of absorption
  104. Viscosity
  105. Amount of medication prescribed
  106. Location of infection
  107. In an emergency, which of the following is one tool that can be used to determine all the following: the child’s weight, the correct medication dosages, and size of equipment needed for the child?
  108. Measuring tape
  109. Broselow’s tape
  110. Ruler
  111. Standing scale
  112. For which sexually transmitted infection does the Gardisil vaccine provide immunity?
  113. Human papillomavirus (HPV)
  114. Human immuno virus (HIV)
  115. Hepatitis B Virus
  116. Chlamydia trachomatis
  117. Childhood obesity is becoming a worldwide health issue. Childhood obesity can result in poor health outcomes such as type 2 diabetes and hypertension. Which of the following contribute to childhood obesity? select all that apply
  118. Lack of physical activity
  119. Increased screen time
  120. Eating a balanced diet
  121. Choosing sugary drinks and snacks
  122. Choosing an apple instead of apple pie
  123. Toddler growth and development is different from infants. Infants grow and change at a rapid rate, but toddlers’ growth occurs at a slower pace. Because of this, toddlers require fewer calories. Toddlers may also become very picky eaters. Which of the following nutritional choices would be a cause of concern during this developmental stage?
  124. The toddler prefers grits over oatmeal
  125. The toddler consumes one glass of oatmeal each morning
  126. The toddler consumes apple juice and a banana at lunch
  127. The toddler drinks two full glasses of milk at each meal time.
  128. The nurse is caring for a six-year-old child weighing 66 lbs. The healthcare provider orders 50 mg/kg/day divided into two equally divided doses. How many mg will the child receive for each of the two doses?
  129. 750 mg
  130. 660 mg
  131. 500 mg
  132. 700 mg
  133. When adolescents are in the hospital, one of the priorities is to prevent risky behavior. Therefore supervision of adolescent patients is an important role that LPNs can play in the care of adolescent clients. Which of the following would be considered guidelines for adolescents who are hospitalized? Select all that apply.
  134. Promoting proper hand washing
  135. Monitoring for smoking
  136. Monitoring peer visits
  137. Allowing free access to a nursing unit
  138. Promoting frequent trips outside
  139. The provider order reads to give amoxicillin 175 mg by mouth twice daily for strep throat. On hand, you have amoxicillin oral suspension 125 mg per 5 mL. How many mL of the medication will be administered?
  140. 70 mL
  141. 0.7 mL
  142. 7 mL
  143. 4 mL
  144. Developmental theories give us a method by which we can anticipate and measure a variety of milestones in childhood development. At what stage would we anticipate children to use tantrums to achieve their goals?
  145. School-age
  146. Toddlers
  147. Infants
  148. preschoolers
  149. A 5-month-old infant is brought to the emergency department with a reported history of fever, nasal drainage, and cough. Over the past day, the mom reports that the patient has demonstrated coughing spells that are followed by a gasp. The nurse recognizes that these symptoms are consistent with which of the following illness
  150. Pertussis
  151. Pneumonia
  152. Croup
  153. Respiratory Syncytial Virus
  154. Children become very mobile during the toddler stage. They will quickly learn that pulling a chair to a counter will give them access to cabinets that were once out of reach. What are some safety measures that can be implemented to prevent injuries to exploring toddlers? Select all that apply
  155. Restricting access to swimming pools
  156. Placing covers on electrical outlets
  157. Baby gates
  158. Telling the toddler,” no”
  159. Locks on all cabinets
  160. Infants can always be easily compromised. This is due to anatomical differences in their respiratory system. Which of the following are anatomical differences in the respiratory system of an infant? Select all that apply
  161. Large mandible
  162. Large tongue
  163. Obligate nose breathers
  164. Long neck
  165. Proportionally large head for body size
  166. Chronic illnesses are conditions that will most likely exist thought the child’s lifetime. Some examples of chronic conditions are asthma, type1 diabetes mellitus, and cystic fibrosis. Most chronic conditions will receive routine care but can have flare-ups that could result in

hospitalization. Which of the following is a word that could mean “ flare-up” or worsening of symptoms?

  1. a. Exacerbation
  2. Encapsulation
  3. Exasperation
  4. Extravasation
  5. Which comment made by a parent of a 1-month-old that would alert the nurse about the presence of a congenital heart defect?
  6. “He is fussy for several hours every day.”
  7. “He is always hungry.”
  8. “He tires out during feeding.”
  9. “He sleeps all the time.”
  10. Separation anxiety is a reaction by a child when their caregiver is no longer present in the room. At what age do would you expect to see a child begin to experience separation anxiety?
  11. 8 to 10 months
  12. 6 to 8 months
  13. 4 to 6 months
  14. 2 to 4 months
  15. The developmental stage of preschools includes a marked increase in physical mobility and a growing desire for independence. Injury prevention must evolve to keep up with this active stage of development. Which of the following would be an appropriate injury prevention for a preschooler?
  16. Wear a safety belt when riding in a vehicle
  17. Supervised play outside
  18. Step Stool to provide access to a microwave
  19. Use caution when crossing the street alone
  20. During each stage of development, a child learns new skills and achieves new milestones. Which of the following tasks are considered a milestone in the preschooler developmental stage?
  21. Able to run without difficulty
  22. Able to jump and skip
  23. Able to judge distance and react quickly
  24. Able to ride a two-wheeled bike
  25. The provider orders ibuprofen 350 mg by mouth every 6 hours as needed for fever. On hand you have ibuprofen 100 mg per 5 mL. How many mL of medication will be administered?
  26. 17.5 mL
  27. 175 mL
  28. The diet of infants under six months of age will consist exclusively of breast milk or formula feedings. Which of the following accurately describes the number of feedings during the newborn period?
  29. 6 to 8 feedings per day
  30. 4 to 6 feeding per day
  31. 12 or more feedings a day
  32. 8 to 12 feedings a day
  33. Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) can occur in babies under a year of age. There is a lot we do not understand about SIDS, but safe sleeping practices that can help prevent SIDS have been identified. Which of the following are safe sleeping practices?
  34. Sleeping on their back
  35. Sleeping with a bottle of formula
  36. Sleeping in the same room with the mom
  37. Sleeping in a crib without fluffy blankets
  38. Sleeping in the same bed with mom
  39. Whooping cough ( pertussis) is a highly contagious bacterial infection that was one of the leading causes of infant death. We now have a vaccine against this illness that is given as part of a child’s routine immunization schedule. Which of the following immunizations is given to prevent whooping cough?
  40. MMR
  41. Hep B
  42. Rotavirus
  43. DTaP
  44. Which strategy should a nurse use to administer an oral medication to an eight-month-old infant?
  45. Hold the infant in a semi-reclining position in the nurse’s or caregiver’s lab
  46. Firmly restrain the child prior to administering medication
  47. Administer fast so the infant cannot taste the medication
  48. Mix the medication with juice and allow the child to drink from a bottle
  49. School-aged children will receive scheduled immunizations towards the end of this developmental stage . These immunizations will include which of the following?
  50. Hepatitis
  51. Tetanus
  52. Rotavirus
  53. Varicella
  54. A nurse is caring for a 6-month-old infant who is postoperative following a myringotomy. Which of the following pain assessment scales should the nurse use to determine the infant’s pain level?
  55. Visual Analog Scale
  56. Oucher
  57. FACES
  58. FLACC
  59. Your client weighs 55 pounds. What is the client’s weight in kg
  60. 20 kg
  61. 121
  62. 25 kg
  63. 2.5 kg