What types of System Maintenance are used in industry?

Assignment 16.1 – System Implementation and Maintenance

This is a required assignment, worth 45 points, and must be submitted by the due date.
Review the Grading Rubric before completing this assignment.

Research a scholarly paper or professional video on “System Implementation and Maintenance” and reflect on only one (1) of the following topics:

“Issues”: What is the common issue during System Implementation?

“Types”: What types of System Maintenance are used in industry?

“Importance”: How important is System Maintenance?

“BPR”: How does System Maintenance correspond with Business Process Reengineering or Redesign?

You must copy and paste the topic (“Issues” or “Types” or “Importance” or “BPR”) at the start of your paper to provide a context for your answer.
This paper must be between 250-300 words on what caught your eye and reflect on what you read.
Do not add extraneous text that does not address the question – do not add an introduction or conclusion.
Do not copy and paste text from the referenced resource.