Explain how one of the CEOs from the assigned reading meets the definition of a key employee.

MGT 266 Assignment #4 Instructions (Executive Compensation)


Assigned Reading:  This assignment should be completed based solely on the assigned reading, located in the Course Materials Folder>Articles Subfolder on Blackboard.


Assignment #4 must be submitted by the due date outlined in the course syllabus.


Using the assigned reading, provide and discuss a specific example of each of the management concepts listed below.  For each question, you must include a) a specific example of the concept and b) explain your reasoning as to why it fits the definition in the textbook.


Each answer must include the page in the textbook where you find the definition of the term referenced in the question.  Answers must be numbered as follows:


  1. Explain how one of the CEOs from the assigned reading meets the definition of a key employee.
  2. Present an example of a) Core Compensation and b) Deferred Compensation provided to a CEO from the assigned reading.
  3. Present an example of a) an Equity Agreement provided to a CEO from the assigned reading and b) a Golden Parachutes provided to a CEO from the assigned reading.
  4. Present two specific examples of Perquisites provided to the CEOs from the assigned reading.
  5. Using one of the CEOs from the assigned reading, determine whether or not the CEO is overpaid by addressing at least two of the bullet points provided for comparison.


The assignment is not to exceed one page.  Formatting requirements as follows:


  • Microsoft Word document
  • Calibri 11 font
  • Single-spaced
  • One-inch margins
  • Label the file with your last name and assignment #


Plagiarism involves the presentation of another person’s work, ideas, or work as one’s own.  It includes, but is not limited to, copying any material (written or non-written) without the proper acknowledgement of its source, and paraphrasing another’s work or ideas without proper acknowledgement.  Written assignments involving academic dishonesty can result in a zero for the assignment and/or failing grade for the course.