When did Putin’s Road to War begin? Explain

Watch 55 Minute Video and answer 17 Questions while you go along!

https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/documentary/put… THIS IS THE VIDEO LINK

  1. When did Putin’s Road to War begin? Explain.
  2. What was the KGB? Explain.
  3. What city in East Germany was Putin stationed when he was in the KGB?
  4. What key moment in history devastated Vladimir Putin and eventually led to the fall of the former Soviet Union?
  5. What position did Putin hold in the Russian government under former Russian President Boris Yeltsin?
  6. How did Putin utilize the devastating apartment bombing in Moscow by Chechen separatists to his advantage? Explain.
  7. Why was Vladimir Putin obsessed with the Media? Explain. What image did he want to project to the Russian people as President? Explain.
  8. Why did Putin move to control Television and return it to a State-run operation? Explain.
  9. During the worst hostage crisis in Russia, Chechen terrorists entered the Beslan school and took several hundred people hostage, which included teachers, parents and their children. How did Putin react? Explain. What were the consequences? Explain. Who did Putin blame and Why? Explain.
  10. What were the “Color Revolutions”? Explain.
  11. Why was Putin so convinced that the U.S. was behind Georgia, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan’s move away from Russia’s rule to become sovereign states? Explain.
  12. How was Putin’s leadership impacted by the Arab Spring uprisings? Explain.
  13. What did it mean for Russia to host the Winter Olympics in Sochi? Explain.
  14. How did Putin view the importance of Ukraine? Explain. And Why was having a Democratic Ukraine a huge threat to Putin’s Russia? Explain.
  15. What did Putin do to disrupt the 2016 U.S. Presidential elections? Explain.
  16. Why do you think President Trump backed Putin’s word and not U.S. Intelligence agencies on whether Russia interfered with the 2016 U.S. election? Explain.
  17. How does Vladimir Putin see America today? Explain.

Some answers may be a couple words, most need you to explain. A sentence or two is a sufficient explanation.