Identify and discuss the primary leadership style of Michael Brown in his handling of this crisis.

I. Identify and discuss the primary leadership style of Michael Brown in his handling of this crisis.
II. Discuss an alternative leadership style that could have been used by Michael Brown that could have been better suited than the one he used.
III. What leadership competencies did Michael Brown present in the recent echinacea crisis?
IV. What leadership competencies did Michael Brown present in the recent echinacea crisis?
V. Identify the role that EQ played in the Echinacea crisis.
VI. Identify the role of EQ for a crisis-ready culture.
VII. Did either Michael Brown or Alexandria Marvel use Authentic Leadership in the Echinacea crisis?
VIII. What role should Authentic Leadership play in a crisis-ready culture?
IX. What conclusions can you draw about LSN’s current culture played in the echinacea crisis?
X. Describe the relationship of strategy, culture, and structure for a crisis-ready culture.
XI. Give three specific and actionable recommendations that could be implemented to develop a crisis-ready culture for LSN.
XII. Reference Page