Describe the different classes of joints based on structure and function.

Eli was a top college running back prospect. He had received scholarship offers from several Division

His team was playing for the state championship and as their starting running back and best player, he was looking forward to adding a state championship to his athletic resume. In the middle of the third quarter with his team behind 24-21, Eli received a pass out of the backfield. Several defenders were chasing him as he gained daylight and an open field to the goal line. With only one defender left to evade, Eli made a sharp cut to the right and instantly felt a pop in his right knee. He fell to the ground in intense pain.

The team trainer ran onto the field to evaluate Eli’s injury and determined the injury was related to the knee. Eli watched the remainder of the game from the sideline.

The next day at his appointment with an orthopedic surgeon, an MRI was performed. The orthopedic surgeon diagnosed Eli with swelling of the knee, hemarthrosis, and a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Eli was advised that he would need surgery to repair his ACL.


Answer the following questions and save your responses in a Microsoft Word document. Provide a scholarly resource in APA format to support your answers.

  1. Describe the different classes of joints based on structure and function.
  2. What class of synovial joint is located in the knee?
  3. Describe the location and function of the ACL.
  4. What does the doctor mean by hemarthrosis?
  5. Do you think Eli will be able to play next year in college? Explain.
  1. Please write the whole paper in VERY SIMPLE LANGUAGE. No Plagiarism should be found. Write each answer under different headings and not by numbering them. Follow APA format for citation. I want you to add introduction page with the name and everything, 3 pages answering the questions, and one reference page(total 5 pages). Also,textbook citationSaladin, K. (2019). Anatomy and Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function (9th ed.). McGraw-Hill. Try to look up some info from the text book and include that when answering the questions too.