De facto segregation in schools and their detrimental effects
In the second equity assignment, you will be demonstrating your deep dive into data you have collected. The resources you collected should be varied and address the specific areas you proposed during the first assignment. During your proposal stage, you indicated one topic (access, equity, success rates, safety, etc.) and various resources you plan to use to explore the topic (state/national reports, scholarly articles, etc.).
This assignment is a summary of that research. This work should be about approx. 3-5 pages in length (not including your title and reference page).
Your written submission must exhibit the following elements:
Brief overview of the issue you are examining
State your research question
Background or history behind the issue (you are trying to develop a foundational understanding of the topic)
Identify themes and present different points of view. Describe how the data compares/compliments themes.
Critique: Equity Gaps
Challenge posed by the issue (you are to frame the issue for the reader. i.e what is the problem?)
Describe two areas where you observe gaps or inequities and propose one solution for each gap.
Summarize your relevant findings and major conclusions
Synthesize how the issue impact the teacher, the student, and/or the learning community
List your sources using APA format
You must cite 3 articles (at the minimum)
Please look at the essay to understand the format
Here is an example of an essay.This is just an example of the format my teacher wants. Don’t use this for information:
Use these references:
In most U.S. cities, neighborhoods have grown more integrated. Their schools haven’t.