Immunology and infectious diseases, where you will conduct laboratory research focused on infectious and immune-mediated diseases

Program Information:

Biological Sciences in Public Health is one of the programs in the Integrated Life Sciences, which facilitates collaboration and cross-disciplinary research.

This program is built on three unique core pillars:

  • Biological research with a focus on understanding, preventing, and treating human diseases affecting large populations
  • Emphasis on laboratory sciences using biochemical, cell biology, molecular, genetic, and computational approaches to delineating disease mechanisms
  • State-of-the-art research facilities within the vibrant intellectual community of the Harvard Longwood Campus

You will choose from three major areas of investigation:

  • Metabolic basis of health and diseases, where you will study the control of cellular and systemic metabolism
  • Immunology and infectious diseases, where you will conduct laboratory research focused on infectious and immune-mediated diseases
  • Molecular and integrative physiological sciences, where you will investigate basic pathogenic mechanisms, adaptive stress responses, and other biological impacts on human health and disease.