Determine the causes of the decrease in engagement with the PTA

Purpose and method of this report

Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs) are designed to increase school engagement with students, educators, and parents to improve educational outcomes and enhance communities. Following the return to in-person classes for the 2022-2023 school year, the Frederick School District Parent Teacher Association (PTA) reinitiated its operations. As the calendar approaches the halfway mark, the PTA board members have noted that the organization now suffers from both a lack of participation in PTA-organized activities and from a decline in budgetary funds. Attendance and registrations in school functions and sports teams is down twenty-five percent relative to the 2018-2019 school year. Revenue is down thirty-five percent relative to previous year averages. The purposes of this report are to:

  • Determine the causes of the decrease in engagement with the PTA
  • Recommend ways to drive increases in patriation and fund-raising