. Briefly describe the activity/event and what was presented or discussed. Include the date, time, place, and type of activity/event.

Critically reflective response is

1. Briefly describe the activity/event and what was presented or discussed. Include the date, time, place, and type of activity/event. You must also identify a social, economic, or political justice issue related to each type of activity/event.

2. Reflect critically on the new information you gained about diversity; discuss your preconceptions, bias, and/or stereotypes that you might have had about the marginalized group prior to participating in the activity/event, and how/why these have changed post activity/event.

3. Specifically address how this activity/event has contributed to your development as both a diversity- sensitive practitioner and a justice-focused social worker.

Selection of Individual Activities:

The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with opportunities to learn and interact with groups experiencing marginalization discussed in this course by the time you complete your social work program. Types of events include:

1. CulturalEvents/Celebrations

2. Speakers-on and off-campus

3. Workshops, conferences, or special training related to a specific population. 4. TEDTalk

5. Movie

6. Documentary/Film

7. Book

8. Blog

*You can’t select more than 2 of each type