What did you find on the flash drive

  • A female employee, sales representative, has alleged that another employee, Robert, also a sales representative, has harassed her.
  • This employee showed the Human Resources Department 3 messages that were sent to her.
  • She had been contacted on her private email, by Robert, who became increasingly aggressive and eventually showed up in a coffee shop while she was with a friend.

Your Job:

    • As part of the investigation into the allegation, Robert’s cubicle was searched and a USB flash drive was found, forensically imaged and handed to you.
    • You have the image file: FlowerGirl.img
    • Download FlowerGirl.img .
      MD5 of img file = 338ecf17b7fc85bbb2d5ae2bbc729dd5
    • Your job is to analyze it. As you can see this assignment is about “investigating” a case. You have to think critically and evaluate the merits of different possibilities applying your knowledge what you have learned so far and going to learn in next two weeks. Please note there is no step by step direction. As you can see providing a direction will kill the investigation. However,  So there is a Discussion Board forum But remember this is Digital Forensics – we need clear evidence not just raw data.

Your Report:

You should answer the following questions:

  1. What did you find on the flash drive (what files? In what condition?).
  2. What actions did you take to analyze?
  3. In your opinion, did he harass her or not? Explain why and how you arrived to this conclusion! What did he do?
  4. Why was this case called “the flower girl”?