Summarize the main points the authors discuss.

Summarizing Grad Level Article EDU 417

In your review, include these components:
a. Bibliographic information: Cite the articles in APA format as the
subtitle for your review. There is no need for a separate works
cited page or in-text citations unless you discuss some article
outside of the two you’re reviewing.
b. A summary of the articles.
i. Summarize the main points the authors discuss.
ii. As far as possible, make it clear what the authors’ central
arguments are.
c. A detailed analysis of the articles.
i. Who is the target audience?
ii. Are the arguments made clearly? Do the authors use
appropriate evidence to support their arguments?
iii. Do the authors support their opinions with clear
explanations to evidence or is the reader expected to
simply agree with them?
iv. Do the authors’ view align with what you know about this
v. Are the articles convincing?
vi. If you disagree with the authors in any way, what changes
would you propose?
vii. Are the articles useful for people studying this topic?
d. You can review both articles separately or together.
6) The review for each article should be between one and two pages.
This is for the body of the article, which does not include the citation or
any header information.