Based on what you find in the Annual Report or CSR report on quality practice, use the seven criteria found in the Readings and Resources section of Unit 5 to make an argument about whether the company values quality excellence.

Research a company’s Annual Report or Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) report to determine the extent to which it values quality. From there you will use Baldrige 7 criteria to guide the process of how the company is performing.

Review the Annual Report or CSR Report of the company that you are studying. Identify areas in the report where they discuss quality. (Copy and paste the document in Word, and search for the word ‘quality’).

See how many times they mentioned quality and for what reasons. More knowledge about the company should help you with your SWOT analysis to determine Strengths and Weaknesses.

Based on what you find in the Annual Report or CSR report on quality practice, use the seven criteria found in the Readings and Resources section of Unit 5 to make an
argument about whether the company values quality excellence.

1. Leadership

2. Strategy

3. Customers

4. Measurement, analysis, and knowledge management

5. Workforce

6. Operations

7. Results


At least 1.5 pages in length (excluding title and reference pages).

At least 2 resources. No articles will be accepted except for 1 peer-reviewed
(scholarly) article.

APA format, including an in-text citation for referenced works.