Discuss how these interventions are either currently being offered at your agency or how they might or might not be beneficial to your agency.

You are asked to find 3-4 journal articles that are of research studies of interventions/programs for the defined problem you have selected. If there are no direct studies, then you will need to find research done in a similar area. Feel free to discuss this with me at any time or come to my office hours for assistance in library research. Don’t forget the social work librarian too, Linda Mori. You may select one program and describe three different studies of it or you may select three different interventions and summarize them.

For this paper,

(1) Begin with your testable question: What is the question that these studies will address? For example, your question might be, “What is the best way to engage family members in services for Spanish-speaking clients with mental health issues?”;

(2) Summarize what you have read in your research studies: the actual intervention and how it was tested–the research questions or hypotheses, the methods used, the sample, measures used, and the outcomes. Discuss any limitations or problems with the studies as well (in other words, how strong is the “evidence”?);

(3) Discuss how these interventions are either currently being offered at your agency or how they might or might not be beneficial to your agency. This is another way to discuss the Implications of the studies;

(4) Provide a short summary at the end, tying all the information together. Be sure to cite all of your sources, write in APA style, and include a References page. This paper is to be about 4-5 pages long