Based on sections 1, 2, 3, 4 above in Lesson 2, submit your pseudo-code results, using this links for Breakdown the tasks involved to purchase a snack from a vending machine.

1) Review of Week 1 (fundamental concepts of programming) from Course shell
2) Review Problem Solving. Initialization, Input, Processing, Output (IIPO).
3) Breakdown the tasks involved to purchase a snack from a vending machine to steps using pseudo-code.
4) Review Introduction to Raptor from the Raptor Installation Source from Week 1 and Review all other Raptor related documents from Raptor Help
5) Submit your assignment below with adding your flowchart or word diagram
Lesson 2 includes the following submission as below:
1. Based on sections 1, 2, 3, 4 above in Lesson 2, submit your pseudo-code results, using this links for Breakdown the tasks involved to purchase a snack from a vending machine.
2. Submit your flowchart or word diagram for the same problem
Please make sure to submit both parts, here using link below to be qualified for full credit of Lesson